Sunday, August 25, 2013

The One Room-Schoolhouse Needs Your Help!

Volunteer with the Allegany County Historical Society!

The Union Grove One-Room school hosts many field trips each year.  The students enjoy a fun-filled education day.  This is an opportunity for children to "live" history, engage in activities, and learn about the past.

Volunteers are needed to assist with field trips, make wooden whirly-gigs for the children, and donate needed items such as desks.  We are accepting donations of desks similar to the one shown in the
 photo above.

Join the Allegany County Historical Society Today!
Call 301-777-8678

You will enjoy special activities in the schoolhouse and many member benefits.
History of Education in Allegany County

  • Prior to 1860, there had been no free public education available to the young inhabitants of the country.  Tuition-charging, private institutions were all that were available up to this time.  Therefore children were often taught at home by parents or tutors, or received no formal education at all.

  •  In 1865, the Maryland legislature established a state system of education, which replaced a failing county system.  
  •  Following adoption of the state system, schools were established in every small community in the county.   
  • During the early years of the system's existence, attendance was low due to poor road conditions, long and harsh winters, and most especially, due to the indifference of the parents.  
  •  Yet, as the 19th century came to a close, the school saw a rise in attendance and by 1900 it was at an all-time high.

 One Room School Curriculum
  • The curriculum of the one-room school house was quite similar to that of today's schools.  The children received daily lessons in reading, writing, grammar, geography, arithmetic, US History and spelling. 
  • Teachers often took their lessons from the small library and teaching publications.   
  • Typically, teachers were young women, who were studying at the Normal School in Frostburg (Frostburg State University).  They would usually hold the position for a year or two.   
  • The average student attended school until the 6th grade.   
Following school, the males would learn a trade or work alongside their fathers on the farm. The females usually resulted in settling into a life at home and becoming a homemaker.  

The Allegany County Historical Society offers a presentation on the History of one-room schools in Allegany County.
Call to schedule a presentation for your group.